Production Textile
Production Textile - Software
Textile Companies operating in today competitive market, must be equipped with instruments and working practices that allow them color production with high feedback level and quality control. FIMAT S.r.l. is in a position to offer the maximum technological level thanks to latest generation user-friendly instruments, tailor-made solutions and minimum maintainance.
Color Spring
Color Spring
Modern Interface
Modern interface highly intuitive.
Direct access to all software functions and
configurations. It is possible to work with
different illuminants (D65, D50, A, TL84),
observers (2° or 1 0°) and ∆E (CIE 1 976, CIE
1 994 Graphics, CIE 1 994 Textiles, CIE 2000,
CMC 1 -1 , CMC 2-1 ).

Color Database
All your colors standards are organized in a
database allowing you a quick and easy way
to keep under control all your colors data and
formulation settings. Recipes can be
expressed in g/Kg, cuts or g%.
To avoid non valid recipes, the user can
define the valid colors combinations,
minimum and maximum concentration for
each color inside a recipe and desired cuts.

Instrumental Formulation
Automatic colors formulation together with
your experience lets you: make the desired
color, optimize preciseness, reduce costs,
save time and increase productivity. Recipes
can be calculated and ordered by K/S
distance, spectral distance, metamerism, ∆E.
It is possible to make manual modification of
calculated recipe with immediate

Recipe Correction
Any calculated recipe can be saved and
recalled at any time for automatic correction.
Original recipe, corrected recipe and
variations (absolute or as a function of
residual quantity) are visualized.

Color Atlas Generation
The generation of color atlas, for internal use
or customer distribution, is one of the biggest
issue of the textiles company. The software
includes a powerful tool for automatic or
manual generation of color atlas letting the
user define how the atlas will be: number of
pages, rows, columns, color organizations,
color coding, etc. Functions like cut and
paste, atlas intersection or colors
recalculation by means of a new dye class are

Analysis Window
White point analysis (Ganz, Berger, Stensby)
with spectral data and production lot number,
date, etc.
Colors differences analysis can be performed
and saved with code, date and description.
All data can be saved.